5 Early Signs of Bladder Cancer Mostly Ignored By People

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Hey there! Cancer scares all of us. However, a lot can be done if it’s diagnosed during the early stage.

In fact, there are cancer survivor statistics for various types that tell you the percentage

of people who have survived cancer for a specific amount of time. For instance, the overall

five-year survival rate for bladder cancer is 77 %.

In today’s video, we will discuss the early warning signs of bladder cancer. Can pain

while urinating be an indication? Are blood in the urine and pelvic pain early symptoms

of bladder cancer?

We will be talking about all of this AND more…

Blood in Urine:

Have you been noticing a reddish tinge in your urine? Are you experiencing blood in

your pee?

Medically, this is known as hematuria and is often a sign that something isn’t right

with your kidneys, or other parts of the urinary tract. People who have kidney stones often

experience hematuria when they are about to pass a stone through urine.

But there could be a more dangerous disease lurking in the shadows. Blood in the urine

is considered one of the earliest signs of Bladder cancer. A lot of the time, the amount

of blood is well enough to change the colour of your urine to orange, pink or even dark


However, you should know it’s not necessary for the pee to be completely red or pink.

Several cases have been reported where the colour of your urine is normal, but a little

amount of blood is found when a urinalysis is done.

This urinalysis is usually a part of a general medical check-up. That’s why regular health

checkups are necessary.

Another thing to remember is that the blood in the urine isn’t always consistent. You

might have it one day, and then not experience it again for a while. It may even take weeks

or months to reappear.

In its early stages, the bleeding will be painless. When you notice even the faintest

streak of blood in your urine, even for the first time, get a proper check-up.

Pain or burning sensation during urination

Do you feel a burning tinge every time you pee? Or slight pain while urinating? There

could be several reasons for painful urination but unfortunately, one of the common reasons

is bladder cancer.

Painful urination or dysuria is experienced by 20-30% of the patients diagnosed with bladder


You could be experiencing related symptoms like the urge to urinate frequently, the inability

to urinate despite a full bladder, and an urgent need to urinate without having a full

bladder. Together these are called irritative bladder symptoms.

Interestingly, while several of the patients show one or all of these symptoms, there are

a few who do not experience any irritative bladder signs.

Statistics show that 80-90% of bladder cancer patients experience blood in their urine without

any pain or burning sensation. Clearly, these symptoms are not as common as hematuria.

But why does this burning sensation or pain even occur?

You get the burning sensation due to the cancer cells that begin to grow on the lining of

the bladder. Irritative bladder symptoms like burning or painful urination are also caused

by cancer cells gathered together to form tumours in the bladder lining.

Consulting your healthcare provider is the best option after experiencing a burning sensation

while urinating. It is important to get to the root of the problem ASAP.

However, don’t get spooked just because it stings. It isn’t always the bladder cancer

behind this. You might have a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). In the case of several UTIs,

the burning sensation is the first symptom.

And if you’re a woman, you have a higher susceptibility to UTI generated burning sensations.

If not UTI, it could be a sexually transmitted disease, medication side effect, or enlarged


Even cancer treatments that involve the use of chemotherapy or radiation can result in

painful urination.

Are you enjoying this list so far? Well this next point will surely surprise you. But before

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Pelvic Pain

If you’ve been experiencing pelvic pain for a while, you might want to investigate.

Pain in this specific region can be the product of cancer cells growing in and around the


Pelvic pain is a common issue among women. Statistically, more than three million American

women live with pelvic pain. But thankfully not all pelvic pains are related to bladder


It can either be sudden or long-term. Just so I don’t scare you, let me go through

the other common causes of sudden pelvic pain. It can be caused by appendicitis, an ovarian

cyst, or acute pelvic inflammatory disease.

Pelvic pain is also experienced by people suffering from peritonitis, that is the inflammation

of the abdomen’s lining and urinary tract infection.

Even constipation and bowel spasms can leave you with uncomfortable pain in your pelvic

region. If you’ve been experiencing pelvic pain for a long time, it’s time to get a check-up

done. NO self-medication.

Now that we have sudden pelvic pain out of the way, what about chronic?

Pelvic pains that exist for more than six months are generally identified as long-term.

The chronic pains are more intense than menstrual cramps and last even longer.

It can be due to the growth of cancer cells in your bladder or chronic conditions like

endometriosis, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

The good news is pelvic pain is rarely caused by bladder cancer. More often than not, it

turns out to be Pelvic Floor dysfunction, causing tightness in the pelvic muscles. This

can make the pain in the bladder worse.

Before we move ahead, here’s a video you may like. Want to know about the 10 weird

body changes that are happening because due to an underlying serious health issue? Watch

this video and learn.

Back pain

If you have constant back pain, and there is no other clear source, you may have bladder

cancer. Pain in the lower back or abdomen can be caused by bladder issues.

In fact, back pain is very common in patients suffering from metastatic or advanced stages

of bladder cancer. However, your back pain will exist with other symptoms- the most common

being problems or changes concerning urination.

If you’re experiencing lower back pain along with blood in the urine, your risk for bladder

cancer diagnosis is higher. A physical examination along with laboratory tests like urine will

be needed to diagnose the exact cause.

In some cases, a procedure called a cystoscopy can be prescribed. It’s a process wherein

a tiny camera is fit on a thin tube-shaped instrument and inserted inside the bladder

through the urethra.

This instrument views the inside of the urethra and bladder. It also collects small tissue

samples for biopsy to check signs of cancer cells if needed.

If your report comes out positive, further testing will be prescribed to check the extent

of infection in other parts of the body. Expect to get yourself through CT (CAT) Scans, MRI,

x-rays, and bone scans.

Just so you know, back pain doesn’t always point to bladder cancer. It could also be

kidney stones, hernia, or a stomach ulcer. Certain infections and fractures or muscles

also give you debilitating back pain.

Frequent Urination

Do you find yourself heading to the bathroom more often than you used to? In rare cases,

the urge to urinate is associated with the presence of cancer cells or tumours in the


Around 20-30% of patients diagnosed with bladder cancer show common irritative bladder symptoms

like frequent urination.

However, you can detect symptoms early on. Frequent urination can easily be a sign of

conditions like a benign tumour or infection.

Remember, health care professionals stress that early diagnosis itself is a cure for

certain cancers.

The biggest problem with early diagnosis is that several symptoms associated with bladder

cancer are very similar to those seen in Urinary Tract Infections. Pathologists grade bladder

cancer between 1 and 3, where a lower number indicates cancer of a low-grade.

High-grade cancers are more powerful and invasive by nature.

If you do get a positive report, please do not panic. You may be able to breathe a sigh

of relief. First of all, bladder cancer is rare, and its survival rate is good.

For bladder cancer in the natural position, the survival rate is 90%. For localized bladder

cancer, chances are 70%. Also, bladder cancer tends to grow slowly, and is less likely to


Did you know about these early warning signs of bladder cancer? Let us know in the comments

below. We would love to hear from you!

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