14 Ways To Get Rid Of Wrinkles On Your Forehead Naturally

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For some people, forehead wrinkles are a sign of wisdom.

But, for most of us, they are a natural and an unattractive reminder of aging that we

can’t escape.

While everyone wants to delay the process of aging, it is not always easy to suppress

those visible signs like wrinkles and fine lines, especially on the forehead, at the

corners of the eyes, and around the lips.

Oh, and forehead wrinkles are considered the toughest ones to combat.

Wrinkles can develop for a number of reasons.

The most common is simply old age.

As you get older, your skin loses some of its elasticity.

Facial expressions can also lead to the development of lines and folds on the face.

But are wrinkles permanent?

They don’t always have to be.

And today, we will tell you ways in which you can get rid of forehead wrinkles.

From using a banana face mask, quitting smoking, using sunscreen, coconut oil to buttermilk

and more, watch till the end to learn about all of them.

Keep Your Skin Hydrated:

Have you ever noticed how prominent your wrinkles appear when you’ve

had too little water to drink?

Chronic dehydration has been linked to wrinkles and other skin issues.

When your body consistently receives too little water to replace what it uses throughout the

day, it must give priority to your vital organs.

This means your skin won’t receive the hydration it needs to maintain its elasticity and health.

In addition to drinking sufficient water, you can keep your skin hydrated by applying

a moisturizing formula that contains hyaluronic acid.

This incredible ingredient can hold up to 1,000 times its own weight in water and is

highly valued in the beauty industry for its hydrating capabilities.

Exfoliate Your Skin:

Exfoliating once a week at a minimum is an effective way to remove

the dry and aged outer layers of your skin to reveal the more youthful, elastic skin

hiding underneath.

You can exfoliate using either physical or chemical exfoliation formulas.

As one of the miracle drugs in the fight against skin aging, you can use AHAs or Alpha Hydroxy


They are known to work by promoting new cell growth.

The most commonly used AHAs to reduce facial wrinkles are glycolic acid and lactic acid.

Many exfoliators contain AHAs as the primary active ingredient.

By sloughing off dead skin cells, the exfoliation process brightens skin tone and evens out

wrinkled skin.

When combined with topical vitamins, the efficacy of the AHAs is even higher.

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Try Facial Yoga:

Tone your facial muscles with facial exercises or facial yoga.

These exercises may help tone your facial muscles, which will reduce the sagging, wrinkled

appearance of your skin.

One facial exercise that targets forehead wrinkles involves lowering your eyebrows as

far as you can, while pulling them together, then lifting them as high as possible and

as far apart as you can.

Repeat this exercise at least five times, several times a day, every day.

It is only with repetition that you’ll begin to see any result.

Warm Oil Massage:

Massage the wrinkles out of your forehead gently with your fingertips

by using any natural oil of your choice.

This will relax your facial muscles and enhance blood flow to your facial tissues.

A few drops of warm olive oil or organic coconut oil works wonder for this purpose.

Mixing these two in equal amounts will give you even better results.

You can also opt for sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, or castor oil.

All of them are capable of hydrating, conditioning, and rejuvenating the skin, thereby keeping

wrinkles at bay.

Practice it every night before hitting the sack and follow an upward motion for 5-10

minutes to ensure that the oil gets absorbed by the skin completely.

Sleep With The Humidifier On:

Getting enough sleep every day is very much necessary to

avoid forehead wrinkles from appearing.

It is even better to sleep with the humidifier on if you live in a dry climate as it will

help you retain your skin moisture and revitalize your skin at the same time.

Use a Vitamin C Serum:

As a powerful antioxidant, it is no surprise that topical vitamin C can

slow down the skin aging process when strategically and consistently applied to the skin.

A vitamin C serum can boost your skin’s ability to produce more collagen.

It is this collagen that softens existing wrinkles while simultaneously preventing new

lines from forming.

By fighting off free radicals, vitamin C can both brighten and tighten the skin.

Use Sunscreen:

You’ve probably already heard about many reasons why you should protect

yourself against the sun.

One of those reasons is that limiting your sun exposure is a huge start to reducing your

chances of developing wrinkles earlier than you’d like to.

UV rays are one of the main causes for wrinkles, so you might want to be thinking about how

much time you spend tanning on your porch.

Try not to spend unnecessary time in the sun, and make sure to use a good sunscreen with

a high SPF every time you expose your skin to UV rays.

Sun protection is crucial for all your time outdoors, or even for driving in your car

on a sunny day.

Stop Smoking:

Nicotine, a chemical found in cigarettes, causes the blood vessels on the

outer layers of your skin to constrict.

This means that less blood is able to flow there.

This results in your skin getting less Vitamin A and oxygen than it really needs.

The other chemicals that you subject your body to when you smoke are carbon monoxide,

lead and mercury among others.

These chemicals break down collagen and elastin which are responsible to give your skin flexibility

and cause wrinkles, even in younger people.

So if you needed another reason to quit, here it is.

Use Aloe Vera:

You might have heard about the various benefits of Aloe Vera for your


Well, smoothing wrinkles is one of them.

Compounds like acemannan found in aloe vera can heal damaged skin.

And the high Vitamin E content is definitely your skin’s best friend, mature or otherwise.

To use aloe vera for forehead lines, massage a small amount of aloe vera gel into your


Leave this on for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse your forehead with cold water.

Within about a week, you should notice a positive difference in your forehead wrinkles.

Apply Buttermilk:

Legend has it that Cleopatra bathed in buttermilk to keep her skin smooth.

You should give that a shot too!

Buttermilk contains lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid that can help erase wrinkles

and smoothen out your skin.

Studies have also found that treating skin with lactic acid increases collagen, the protein

that gives skin structure and makes it firm.

Dab a little buttermilk on your wrinkles and leave it on for about 20 minutes.

Then wash it off with lukewarm water and pat your skin dry.

Coconut Oil:

Is there anything this wonder oil can’t do?

The moisturising properties of coconut oil help in keeping the skin plum and healthy.

It is a rich source of antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect the skin from premature


Coconut oil eliminates these effectively and fades away the forehead lines in due course

of time.

Simply massage this oil into your forehead for a few minutes every day to see results.

Have A Diet Rich In Antioxidants: Antioxidants are present in fruit, vegetables and vitamins

such as vitamins A, C and E. Antioxidants can help improve skin health by getting rid

of compounds in your skin called free radicals which can harmfully affect the way the skin

repairs itself.

If your skin is not repairing itself effectively and creating new skin cells, it can lose essential

proteins such as collagen and elastin which give your skin its youthful, springy and smooth


Quit Excessive Drinking:

Frequently drinking large amounts of alcohol over the recommended

guidelines can be bad for your skin.

This is because alcohol is an extremely potent diuretic that makes you feel fatigued and

dehydrated causing dry skin and compromised health.

Drinking alcohol also increases your body’s cortisol levels, which is released in the

body in response to stress.

High cortisol levels and dehydration can affect your skin’s ability to regenerate and repair


It also decreases the level of collagen in the skin, which is one of the most important

proteins for skin health.

Use A Banana Mask:

Eat it, drink it, or mask it, this superman of the fruit-world will

always give you fantastic results.

This is because bananas are enriched with Vitamin, A, B6, and C. When applied as a mask

around the eyes and forehead, bananas fight with aging signs and reverse the damage caused

by free radicals.

Mash a banana and make a smooth paste of it in a bowl.

Apply it evenly around the area of your eyes with the help of your hands or cotton swabs.

Dab it gently.

Leave it for 10 to 20 minutes.

Rinse it off with cold water.

Do you have forehead wrinkles?

Have you ever tried to get rid of them?

Let us know in the comments section below!

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