Grow Your Hair With This One Magic Solution

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Are you worried about your hair falling out?

Want to know how to grow your hair fast?

Everyone wants thick, healthy hair.

But due to the stress caused by your busy lifestyle, along with pollution and the lack

of proper nutrition, your hair isn’t growing like it should.

In today’s article, we will be talking about that one magic solution that helps you regrow

your hair quickly.

Yes, that’s Minoxidil we are talking about.

Stay tuned to know more about what it is, how it works, how to use it and the precautions

you will need to take.

What is Minoxidil?

Hair loss can be a BIG challenge.

Especially when it seems like you’ve tried everything.

It could be temporary or permanent depending on what’s causing it.

The most common reasons behind your hair loss can be hormonal imbalance, hereditary, ageing

or lack of nutrients in your body.

Even certain medications cause hair fall.

Whatever the reason, we all want our hair B-A-C-K.

Minoxidil is the one FDA approved treatment that is widely popular all over the world

to help you get your hair back.

If you’re suffering from pattern hair loss, you will likely be recommended Minoxidil.

Pattern baldness is when you see hair loss on your scalp at specific places.

You’ve seen men getting bald mostly on the top and front of their heads, while women

experience hair thinning on the crown.

This is pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia

There are options like surgically transplanting hair on your bald spots, or trying some cool


But when you have one of the most common and effective solutions to regrowing hair, why

not give that a try first.

I am sure by now you’re curious to know whether your hair loss is serious or not?

What is normal and when will you need to see a trichologist?

You lose up to 100 hair strands every day.

That’s how normal healthy hair behaves.

A few hair strands will fall out and the new ones will take their place.

But say you’re losing 150-200 hair strands, and start noticing your centre part widen


It may be a sign that not all is well with your body.

Along with trying Minoxidil to regrow your hair, I strongly suggest you get a checkup


Deficiency of nutrients like iron and zinc in your diet, and health conditions like hypothyroid

can be the reason behind your hair woes.

Get a proper diagnosis, take this condition seriously, and start early treatment.

How Minoxidil helps you grow your hair?

Minoxidil helps to treat pattern baldness.


Well, this magic solution affects your hair follicle cells and forces them to regrow.

As a result, you see a significant reduction in your hair loss.

Minoxidil was first tested on high blood pressure patients in the 1960’s.

It was given as an oral medication and the team of doctors found that it increased hair

growth in test subjects.


While it was dismissed as a harmless side effect, it made for a brilliant way to deal

with baldness in the long run.

Slowly, topical applications like Minoxidil began getting investigated and here we are


We have a magic solution to a wide array of hair troubles.

Minoxidil achieves this feat by increasing the hair growth phase in your hair follicles.

When hereditary conditions are the reason behind your excessive hair loss, your follicles

are shrinking.

Your hair grows from these follicles, and since they have shrunk in size, you experience

finer thin hair growth over time.

Now when you apply Minoxidil to your scalp, it widens the blood vessels beneath the follicles

that supply them with blood.

This means more oxygen-rich blood for your follicles.

Over time, the size of your follicles will increase and thicker, stronger hair will grow

from them.

How do you apply Minoxidil to your hair?

FDA recommends the use of minoxidil 2% for females and 5% for males.

You can apply Minoxidil with a liquid to the affected areas of your scalp twice a day.

You can easily find it at any medical store and wouldn’t need a prescription.

However, it’s always better to consult a dermatologist before reaching out to your

local pharmacist.

Just remember, if you are below the age of 18 years, you are not allowed to use this.

This solution will begin working immediately, but you have to wait a few months to see results.

It can take up to 4 months.

Use Minoxidil continuously to maintain steady hair growth.

As always, do a patch test first to see if it suits you.

In case you observe reactions like rashes or severely increased hair loss, seek medical


Dosage of minoxidil

You can get Minoxidil in both solution form, or as a foam.

In the case of men, it is advisable to use 5% minoxidil, where in the case of women,

it is 2%.

If you have consulted a trichologist, follow their instructions.

Usually, you will be asked to apply a few drops to your affected areas twice a day,

typically in the morning and at night.

The amount of medicine will depend upon the strength of the solution you’re using.

The number of doses, the time gap between them, and duration of use all depends on the

severity of your problem.

Studies have shown that not every drop of Minoxidil will be absorbed by your scalp.

In fact, only around 2% of topical Minoxidil is absorbed by a normal scalp.

This is why there are different concentrations available in the market to deal with average

to severe cases.

What happens if you miss a dose?

Should you stop it completely, or start all over?

The answer to both is a big no.

In case you miss your daily dose, apply it as soon as you remember.

If it’s almost time to take the next dose, it’s better to skip and continue as per

your regular dosage schedule.

Did you know you shouldn’t sleep wearing a ponytail?

What are the side effects of using minoxidil?

Minoxidil side effects are rare.

If you do the patch test, you can use it without worrying.

However, there is a very small percentage of people who report side effects.

First of all, remember you have to be careful while applying this solution.

Sometimes when absorbed by the skin, it can cause issues like rashes, redness, and burning


You may also experience side effects like swelling of the hands and feet, rapid breathing,

and a faster heartbeat.

These side effects can be accompanied by fainting, chest pain, and the sudden formation of unwanted

body hair.

The good news is Minoxidil is not known to cause a serious allergic reaction.


When you reach out to your doctor about minoxidil, they might administer certain tests like urine,

blood pressure and kidney function.

They will want to check the effect of this medicine.

An electrolyte test, along with bodyweight measurements, will also be advised.

This is to reduce the build up of salt and water in the body, leading to congestive heart


You can be put on a diuretic while using minoxidil to prevent salt retention by the body.

A few insurance companies require prior approval.

Keep your Minoxidil container tightly closed and out of the reach of children.

Store it at room temperature, away from sunlight and moisture, but not in your bathroom cabinet.

If you are travelling with this medication, don’t worry about X-rays and Scanners reducing

its effectiveness.

Always carry in your handbag luggage.

Are you experiencing hair loss?

Did you hear about Minoxidil before?

. We would love to hear from you!

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