11 Foods Rich In Calcium You Must Eat Daily!

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Wondering how to get calcium into your diet?

It’s a lot easier than you think and no, you don’t need to obsess with counting your


Calcium is a fundamental building block in your body.

Your teeth and bones are made up of this mineral.

You also need it for optimal functioning of your heart, muscles and nervous system.

In today’s article, we will be talking about 11 calcium rich foods.

Is broccoli one?

Can Sardines help?

Any idea about sunflower seeds?

We will be talking about all of this AND more…


Did you know your favourite dessert comes with so many health benefits?

Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium.

It is also super-rich in live probiotic bacteria which offers plenty of health benefits.

Statistically speaking, a serving of 245 gms of plain yogurt gives you approx.

30% of your Recommended Daily Intake for calcium.

The Diet-watchers may also prefer low-fat yogurt, which is far richer in calcium.

It contains approx 45% of the RDI in the same serving.

Want more?

It is also rich in phosphorus, potassium, B2 and B12.

A study shows that people consuming yogurt show better metabolic health and run a lower

risk of heart issues and type 2 diabetes.


Here’s a surprise!

Many people around the world consider Broccoli to be a superfood- all thanks to its nutritionally

dense profile.

Broccoli is a member of the brassica genus plant.

This particular genus is known to be rich in several carotenoids, Vitamins C,K,E, folates,

and minerals.

And another good thing about this green veggie is it is rich in fiber.

The group of glucosinolates present in broccoli breaks down to several biologically active

compounds that are frequently being studied for having anti-cancer effects.

A cup of frozen broccoli is known to have 87 milligrams of calcium.

Still unsure how to consume it?

Remember the more natural it is, the more nutrition it gives.

Steamed broccoli along with tofu would make a great power breakfast.

You can also make broccoli soup or stir fry it with other veggies for your pasta.

Are you finding this list useful so far?

Well, this next point will surely surprise you.

Butternut Squash

It may not be on your list of favourite vegetables, but it offers unique health benefits.

A cup of butternut squash has 84 milligrams of calcium.

According to experts, adult men and women need 1000 milligrams of calcium every day,

while women over the age of 50 and everyone beyond 70 should increase their daily calcium

intake to 1200 milligrams.

However, a big chunk of the population doesn’t get enough calcium.

Not just this, you get to consume 31 milligrams of vitamin C from just one cup of butternut


Now you might wonder what vitamin C has to do with you increasing your intake of calcium?

Well, turns out it matters A LOT!

Vitamin C increases the intestinal absorption of calcium.

So rest assured you can continue taking calcium supplements along with orange juice without

losing the benefits from either of them.

Another good thing about this is that people with a high intake of Vitamin C are at a lower

risk of developing different types of cancers.

Several studies are trying to establish a clear connection between high Vitamin C and

Cancer risks.


Here’s one more reason why those chocolate chip cookies are a lot better when dipped

in milk.

It is filled with calcium!

Remember all those times your mom would ask you to finish that glass of milk in the morning?

She knew milk was good for your growing bones.

Milk is one of the most readily available sources of calcium.

A cup of cow’s milk is approx.

237 millilitres and has up to 352 milligrams of calcium, along with varying levels of fat.

You’ll be surprised to know goat’s milk is also rich in calcium.

Its estimated that 327 milligrams are in one standard cup of goat’s milk.

Milk also contains protein as well as vitamin A & D. It’s nutrition makes it a good addition

to your diet, unless you are lactose intolerant.


Ever wondered if those tiny seeds you see in local grocery stores could be a powerhouse

of nutrition?

Simply including them in your salads, baking or even sandwiches can give you a lot of nutrition.

They even make for awesome smoothies if you sprinkle them before drinking.

Several seeds are high in calcium.

Poppy, Chia, Celery and Sesame Seeds are some examples.

Just a cup of poppy seeds contains 126 milligrams of calcium, which is 13% of your recommended

daily intake.

Sesame Seeds provide 9% of your recommended calcium in one tablespoon.

Another popular pick is chia.

They are rich in plant-based omega 3-fatty acids and are a great addition to your smoothies-

I especially love them with blueberry smoothies.

Seeds like Sesame also deliver iron, manganese and copper.

Sunflower Seeds

Who knew those beautiful yellow flowers not only served as eye-candy, but also produced

highly nutritious seeds!

A single cup of Sunflower Seed Kernels contain 109 milligrams of calcium and a good amount

of magnesium.

This balances the effects of calcium in the body and also regulates their nerve and muscle


Sunflower Seeds are also known to contain Vitamin E and Copper.

Together, these essential nutrients can promote better bone health and flexibility.

So the next time you go grocery shopping, do not forget to put sunflower seeds in your


Sardines and Canned Salmon

Love fish?

You’ll love it even more after you learn how good it is for your health.

For those who dislike the taste, maybe this will motivate you.

Sardines and salmon are a rich source of calcium due to their edible, soft bones.

They also provide high protein and omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 3 fatty acid is naturally beneficial to your heart health, skin and brain.

And not just this, the high levels of selenium in sardines and salmon will protect you against

the effects of mercury.

Sweet Potatoes

Boiled, sweet potatoes taste awesome.

You can eat them on their own, or make patties and pastry fillings.

Sweet potatoes are simply delicious!

Dogs go crazy over this veggie.

After all, it is great for their digestive system.

Just remember to never serve them raw veggies.

Sweet potatoes are a natural source of calcium.

A single, large sweet potato contains 68 milligrams.

It is also rich in Vitamin A, C and Potassium.

While vitamin A will ensure you have good eyesight, vitamin C will lead to better absorption

of calcium in your intestine.

Sweet potato will also help you fight signs of ageing, and lower the risk of certain types

of cancer, thanks to its rich nutrients.

Contrary to popular belief, sweet potatoes are also low in fat and calories.

So get some on your next grocery mission.


Almonds are great for you.

They contain the highest level of calcium in the nut family.

You will also get a generous supply of magnesium, manganese, and protein by including almonds

in your daily diet.

Aside from this, they also offer healthy fats, fiber and Vitamin E.

An ounce of almonds offers you 8% of your recommended daily intake of calcium.

Regular consumption of nuts also lowers the risk of blood pressure and metabolic issues.

Leafy Greens

Dark, leafy greens contain a good amount of calcium.

Among them, collard green, spinach, and kale offer excellent health benefits.

Did you know that just a cup of cooked collard greens contains approx.

266 milligrams of calcium?

This is almost a quarter of the amount of calcium you need daily.

Raw Mustard Green is another known source of calcium.

They contain 64 milligrams of calcium per cup.


Another regular diet companion of the modern world, Tofu is a natural source of calcium.

It offers you 275-261 milligrams per cup.

Remember, the amount of calcium tofu offers you will vary according to its firmness and


Make it a habit to read the labels before choosing the right brand of tofu for you.

It is preferable you buy the one containing calcium salt that is used as a coagulant by

the manufacturers.

Thinking about how to sneak it into your diet?

Well you are lucky.

Tofu is versatile.

Add it to your noodles or stir fry along with veggies for your pasta.

It makes for a delicious filling for sandwiches.

Just grate it and add seasoning.

Do you monitor your diet for calcium intake?

Do you regularly consume calcium rich foods?

Let us know in the comments below.

We would love to hear from you!

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