This Happens To Your Body When You Eat Eggs

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Six things that happen to your body when you eat eggs have you ever heard of an

egg diet eating eggs is a fantastic way to give your health a boost

according to WebMD each egg only contains 75 calories and is packed with

7 grams of protein 5 grams of fat and 1.6 grams of saturated fat not to

mention it contains iron and other essential vitamins and minerals eggs

have several health benefits they also contribute to healthy brain development

and bone health for example did you know that eating eggs during pregnancy can

also help a baby’s brain development this is due to the yolks being high in

choline if you’re not eating eggs on a regular basis you should be now keep

reading for the six things that will happen to your body when you eat eggs

boost your weight loss

did you know that eating eggs can actually

boost your weight loss many people are surprised when they hear this because

they’ve been told that eggs are unhealthy and fattening but a study done

by Rochester center of obesity research found that eating eggs for breakfast

actually helps limit your calorie intake throughout the day by over 400 calories

researchers from this study concluded that by just eating eggs for breakfast

you could lose 3 pounds a month the reason why eating eggs can help limit

your calorie intake is that they curb your appetite so if you find you’re

hungry try eating some eggs when you eat eggs you’ll start to notice that they

make you feel full which can take away unnecessary cravings and help prevent

you from munching on snacks and foods that

aren’t the best for you so if you’re trying to lose weight try adding some

eggs to your diet you won’t regret it


help your body prevent breast cancer

research that was conducted by Harvard University found

that eating eggs as an adolescent could help prevent breast cancer researchers

at the University of North Carolina found that choline which is in eggs can

help reduce breast cancer by 24 percent the daily intake recommendation for

choline is five hundred and fifty milligrams for men and four hundred and

twenty-five milligrams for women one egg contains 125 point five milligrams so if

you consume two eggs you’re almost halfway to consuming your daily intake

so make a change to your healthy diet to help improve your overall health and

reduce the risk of different types of cancer like breast cancer now while eggs

may be able to help protect you from breast cancer it’s not to say that it

will prevent you from getting cancer so always be sure to speak to a doctor or

medical health professional first if you’re looking for some information

about how to prevent certain types of cancer do you know how many eggs

researchers suggest that we eat every day to maintain a healthy lifestyle well

stick around until the end to find out some more health tips about eggs

reduce stress and anxiety

a study was published in 2004 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and researchers found that when

people had sufficient lysine sources in their diet their stress and anxiety

levels were reduced the researchers believe that lysine modulated the

serotonin in the nervous system can you guess what food has high amounts

of lysine stress and anxiety can also have a huge impact on your weight and

your diet when people are stressed out they tend to eat more or less

this can lead to weight gain or unhealthy weight loss both of which can

be detrimental to our health in addition to this stress and anxiety can affect

your sleeping patterns so try to eat more eggs to reduce your stress and your


Protect your eyes

there are two types of antioxidants and eggs

lutein and zeaxanthin they both have protective effects on your eyes both

these antioxidants are found in the yolk what these antioxidants do is reduce the

risk of cataracts and macular degeneration a study published in the

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that participants who consumed one

point three egg yolks per day for almost five weeks increase their blood levels

of zeaxanthin by 114 to 142 percent and lutein by 28 to 50 percent

lower inflammation

eggs contain dietary phospholipids compounds which have huge

effects on inflammation according to studies in fact a recent study published

in the journal nutrients found that there was a connection between dietary

intake of egg phospholipids and choline and the reduction on inflammation by

lowering inflammation in the body you reduce the risk of cardiovascular

disease according to Paul M rid ker Director of Center for cardiovascular

disease prevention at Harvard affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital

protects your liver

as mentioned already eggs have high levels of choline a

review was published in the journal advances in nutrition and it explained

that choline deficiency is linked to the buildup of hepatic lipids which have the

ability to cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

the good news is that a study found in the Journal of nutrition found that

women who had high choline diets lowered the risk of experiencing non-alcoholic

fatty liver disease cholesterol is an important part of the cell membrane and

the liver produces large amounts of it every day when we eat eggs the liver

doesn’t have to produce as much.

this structural molecule is responsible for

making testosterone estrogen and cortisol which are all very important

contributions to the function of the human body basically if we were to

consume a large portion of eggs say three of them it would even out with the

liver to make sure the body gets the correct levels of cholesterol

so now that you know what will happen to your body if you start eating eggs what do

you think eggs are great for your health but you should also remember that all of

our bodies are different the effects of consuming whole eggs can vary person to

person for the most part the majority of people consuming eggs experience mild to

no alterations in cholesterol levels after consuming high amounts of dietary

cholesterol in fact the 2015 to 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans has

actually dropped their limit on dietary cholesterol in the government’s expert

panel has expressed that it is no longer a nutrition of concern so is there a

limit to how many eggs we should be eating how many eggs are too many well

studies suggest that we should eat between 1 to 3 eggs a day although there

are studies showing that it is safe for us to consume up to 3 eggs a day there

are no studies showing what happens when people consume more than 3 a day or more

than 21 a week another thing to keep in mind is that there are different types

of eggs the healthier eggs are richer in omega-3 or come from hens raised on a

pasture eating three of these eggs a day could contribute to nutritional

differences over time eggs are a great

to add to your healthy diet to help with your overall health and bodily functions

with all sorts of health benefits there’s no denying that eggs should be a

staple in anyone’s diet eggs can help fight iron deficiency and

protect eyesight and help with healthy weight gain basically you should make

eggs a staple of your diet right now so what are you waiting for get started on

your new healthy diet today and reap the rewards how many eggs do you eat a day

what are some other types of food that you eat to maintain a healthy lifestyle

and do you have any health tips for getting started on a healthy diet let us

know in the comments section below

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