A message from koeman to Laporta

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The Dutch coach of Barcelona, ​​Ronaldo Koeman, did not leave the bench seats in the final minutes of the Barcelona and Celta Vigo match, as it seemed to everyone that he succumbed to what is happening, or almost was thinking in fear of the decision to dismiss in the coming days, in case Laporta and Xavi agreed.

Coman saw his team fall again in the second half, and as in recent matches, he made changes without success.

But this time, the changes seem to go a little further. They have given a sense of being a way to send a message, shouting to everyone who blames him, “This is what I have on the team.”

Koeman had already announced over the last week that they had not given him more than one signature since his arrival, which is that of Serginho Dust (Trinkau and Pedri were already signed before his arrival). Finally, he discovered that the Barcelona team did not have enough tools to win a championship that lasts in the four seasons. This year is like LaLiga.

First, Ricky Puig, who had been missing for a while, appeared on the field to replace the exhausted Pedri, then came the turn of Dest and Braithwaite, the Dutch still failing technically and in decision-making and the Dane is not a great team player, and the last change was Pjanic, who stuck in 12 matches without one minute and he played the last five minutes against Celta after Lenglet was sent off.

It could be said that Koeman did so out of necessity due to the red color of his two sons, but it is hard not to think that the Dutchman’s gesture was carrying something of ‘protest’.