Barcelona plans to include a replacement for Jordi Alba, one of the former sons of La Masia

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Spanish press sources reported that Barcelona is planning to search for a possible alternative deal for Jordi Alba, the star of the Catalan team, during the upcoming transfer period.

It is possible that the upcoming period in the transfer market will witness the departure of the player Jordi Alba from the ranks of the Blaugrana due to the fluctuation of his level and his poor performance since the beginning of the current season.

According to the Spanish newspaper, Mundo Deportivo, Barcelona decided to search for a replacement for Alba, and the choice fell on Alejandro Grimaldo, the star of the Portuguese club Benfica.

The newspaper pointed out that Barcelona deliberately chose Grimaldo, because he grew up in La Masia, and played in Barcelona, ​​where he starred remarkably before leaving the team and deciding to go to a new club outside the walls of the Camp Nou.

The newspaper pointed out that Alejandro Grimaldo offers a distinguished performance with Benfica, whether in past seasons or this season.

It is worth noting that Barcelona is ranked sixth in the Spanish Premier League table with 32 points out of 20 matches played.