A w0rrying turn in the issue of the renewal of Moriba’s contract with Barcelona .. The club is retracting after knowing the player’s intentions

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The dialogue of the agents of the young Alex Moriba with Barcelona club officials led to a dead end and a worrying turn, according to the Spanish newspaper Sport, today, Thursday.

Sport explained that the optimism that dominated Barca in the past hours regarding the player’s future, led to less hope of resolving the issue by signing a new contract that would make Moriba stay for years at the Camp Nou.

The file of Moriba renewal is getting more complicated in Barcelona

And the newspaper close to the Catalan house indicated that Barca took a step back in the Moriba file, as he sees that the player does not intend to negotiate in the first place for the renewal.

The file of Moriba became complicated, despite the optimism that ran through Barcelona’s veins after meeting with the player’s representatives on Wednesday.

Barcelona keeps its player away from the second team match today against La Grama, in a clear indication of the distance between the two parties in the negotiation process.

The Catalan club believes that it will do everything possible to address the crisis with Moriba, improve its relationship with him and with his agent, and maintain him with a new contract.

Moriba has the option to negotiate with any other club starting next January, as his contract with Barca expires in June 2022.