Mundo Deportivo reveaاs for the firsŧ time the secreŧ fąx thaŧ Messi senŧ to Barcelona after the defeat of Bayern

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For the first time, Messi’s message to his former club Barcelona was revealed, in which he expressed his desire to leave and terminate his contract.

This message came in the summer of 2020, when Messi announced his desire to leave, due to his great disagreement with the club’s management at the time.

And the Argentine star announced that he really wanted to leave, but the club linked him and kept him, in the hope that the situation at the club would improve.

But Messi’s departure was postponed for only a year, as the “flea” left the childhood club this summer, but this time he reversed his desire, as the Catalan club could not afford to keep him in the team, due to a stifling financial crisis. .
secret fax

Mundo Deportivo newspaper has obtained a copy of a letter from Messi’s representatives, sent to Barcelona by fax, in August 2020, expressing the team star’s desire to leave.

The letter reads: “In accordance with the provisions of Clause 3.1. From the contract of November 25, 2017, I express to you my desire to terminate my contract of employment as a professional football player on August 30, 2020.”

The letter adds that the contract he signed in 2017 came with a clause allowing him to leave before June 10, 2020 without any “prior contact with the club”.

But the conditions of the Corona pandemic in 2020, and the extension of the football season, forced Messi to stay beyond June, with the team, to participate in the tournaments, leaving the fate of the contract in the hands of Barcelona.

“Due to an exceptional situation, Barcelona’s 2019-20 competitive season ended yesterday, when we returned to Barcelona after our Champions League exit on the night of August 14,” the letter read.

Messi demanded a free exit correctly, because the basic contract was awarded 10 days after the end of the season.

The message came one day after Barcelona’s “historic” 2-8 defeat against Bayern Munich in the Champions League quarter-finals.

This defeat was the last blow for Messi, who reached during the season to the height of the conflict with the administration, which failed to strengthen the team with the necessary agreements and failed to choose the coaches.

And after Messi did not fulfill his desire for the letter, he completed an additional season and was convinced of the club’s project after the arrival of President Juan Laporta, who has a good relationship with Messi, before his final departure last month.