Spanish newspaper: Paris may allow his player to move to Barcelona easily

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During this period, the football scene has been exposed to strange events regarding the transfer market between clubs, since the last summer Mercelto.

Perhaps the most prominent of these events is the departure of the legend Messi from the ranks of Barcelona, ​​​​after more than 20 years he spent within the walls of the Catalan club.

This period also witnessed the return of Don Ronaldo to his old den, the Manchester United team, and also included the departure of defender Ramos from Real Madrid.
And as a continuation of the series of surprises this season, the Spanish newspaper El Nacional indicated the possibility of the return of the Brazilian Neymar da Silva to the ranks of Barcelona during the summer transfer market.

And the Brazilian star Neymar da Silva left Barcelona in the summer of 2017, moving to the French club Paris Saint-Germain after the Paris club paid the penalty clause in the player’s contract, which was estimated at 222 million euros.

The newspaper claimed that the Brazilian over the past years tried to return to the Barcelona team by putting pressure on the Paris Saint-Germain administration, and Neymar was very close to joining the Catalan team, but he ended up continuing with the French club.

She explained that the French club’s management is seriously considering dispensing with the services of the Brazilian star in order to sign new players next summer, despite contracting him until the summer of 2025.

The newspaper said that the Paris Saint-Germain administration contacted Barcelona officials regarding the possibility of Neymar returning to the Catalan team in the summer

The newspaper indicated that the French side believes that the time of the Brazilian striker is over, as the club plans to renew the team’s blood next season

The newspaper reported that Paris officials contacted the Barcelona administration through an intermediary, offering the Spanish club the opportunity to restore the 29-year-old player.