He is proficient in the center of the right and left wing or the spearhead in an excellent manner. Alemany is striving hard to settle the perfect deal

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Barcelona coach Xavi Hernandez seeks to develop the Catalan team’s performance by signing a good and distinguished deal from the English Premier League.

In this context, Barcelona is trying hard to sign the Spaniard Ferran Torres, the Manchester City sniper, during the current season.

Barcelona’s attempts to sign the City star topped the headlines of the Spanish newspapers.

The Spanish newspaper “Sport” wrote: “An attack from Barcelona to include Ferran Torres.”

The same newspaper added that Barcelona coach Xavi Hernandez believes that Torres’ flexibility will solve the team’s crisis in the offensive line.

And the newspaper “Sport” reported that Matteo Alemani, Barcelona’s sporting director, had previously made more than one visit to Manchester, the last of which was 15 days ago, to find out which City players could be transferred to the “Camp Nou”.

The Spanish newspaper “Marca” also came out and wrote in its headline, “Barcelona launches for Ferran Torres.”

And “Marca” indicated, that Barcelona is difficult to conclude any expensive deal next January, unless he gives up one of his players.

And the Spanish newspaper added that Alemani will work to reach an agreement with City regarding Torres, and if Barcelona cannot sign the player in the winter, the Catalan club will decide his arrival from now on next summer.

While the newspaper “Mundo Deportivo” wrote on Barcelona’s negotiations with Manchester City, saying, “Operation Ferran Torres.”

And the newspaper reported that the 21-year-old Spanish player asked his coach, Pep Guardiola, to leave the Etihad Stadium and wear the Barca shirt, and the latter agreed to the matter on the condition that an appropriate financial offer was received from Man City.

It is worth noting that Torres plays in the center of the spear, that he is also good at playing on the wings.