The grip is tightening on the president of the Spanish League, and the new support joins Real Madrid and Barcelona

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Barcelona and Athletic Bilbao decided to stand by the Real Madrid team in their battle against the president of the Spanish League, Javier Tebas, after his frank attack on the president of the Royal Club, Florentino Perez.

Tebas attacked Perez in the media and said that he puts a lot of pressure on the political and sports institutions, which everyone knows about, and stressed that there is no confidence in any club that has worked in secret for the European Super League project.

But soon, Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid and Athletic Bilbao clubs came out and issued a statement against Tebas saying:
“We regret the presence of a figure who is not compatible with the principles and values ​​of football and the responsibilities of the position of President of La Liga, and we want to make it clear that the CVC project for clubs is being promoted but without disclosing exact details and is not applicable on the ground.”

He added: “The sustainable alternative project will allow clubs to save more than 12,000 million euros, as it is a 15 times cheaper proposal and includes only commitments to clubs for 25 clubs and not for 50 years.”

He continued: “On the legal level, it is 100% correct, as it was organized directly by the clubs without direct participation from the Spanish League, and at the level of corporate governance it is not granted on the basis of any external entity to the world of football.”

The statement concluded: “The reasons for this project were not supported by Tebas, and Spanish football does not need to waste money of up to 12,000 million euros in order to grow, develop and survive the consequences of the Corona virus epidemic because it was their managers who suggested this, the clubs are the ones who run the Spanish League. They are not prisoners of their managers.”