The decree from Laporta is close to the upcoming Camp Nou deal

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Spanish media revealed information about Barcelona’s final approach to resolving the German League executioner deal during the coming period.

According to the Spanish newspaper, “Sport”, Joan Laporta, president of Barcelona, ​​​​has asked Mino Raiola, the agent of the Norwegian player Erling Haaland, the German player of Borussia Dortmund, to speed up his arrival at the Camp Nou.

The Spanish newspaper said that Laporta met Raiola in Turin, and their meeting was friendly, as the Barcelona president, the player’s agent, demanded that his commission be reduced to 50% so that the Catalan team could bring him to the team.

And the newspaper reported that there is talk from Italy that Haaland welcomes the move to Barcelona during the coming period.

It is worth noting that Barcelona is in the eighth place in the La Liga standings, with 24 points, 18 points behind Real Madrid, the leader.