Antonio Conte deprives Barcelona of the last chance to get rid of the mysterious player

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Spanish press sources revealed that Barcelona is seeking to get rid of one of its stars in the next winter Mercato, given that the team does not need him.

The Brazilian star Coutinho, 29, does not play mainly with Barca, and the Catalan team is trying to sell him with a huge salary.

According to the newspaper “Mundo Deportivo”, Barcelona offered Coutinho, to two English clubs, Newcastle United and Tottenham, in order to include him next January.

Samba star Coutinho is considered one of Barcelona’s most expensive deals, as he joined the Catalan team, coming from Liverpool, for 120 million euros, in addition to 40 million in variables.

So far, Coutinho has not shown the level required of him inside the Camp Nou, and the loan went out in the 2019-2020 season in favor of Bayern Munich.

The newspaper pointed out that Newcastle currently enjoys huge financial capabilities, after the transfer of its ownership to the Saudi Investment Fund, and is currently suffering in the Premier League table, and therefore will try to attract the Brazilian star as a player.

The source stated that Tottenham Hotspur was interested in obtaining the services of Philippe Coutinho, in an earlier period, but the new Italian coach Antonio Conte dismissed the idea.