After being rejected by his club more than once .. the opportunity came in front of Barcelona to get the successor to Jordi Alba

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The Spanish club Barcelona is determined to move forward with the implementation of the contracting plan with a distinguished left-back, during the upcoming winter transfer market, in order to succeed international full-back Jordi Alba, who has advanced in age.

Officials of the Catalan team, headed by Juan Laporta, are striving hard during this period to strengthen all the team’s positions with players who are able to return the team to the right path after a series of disappointing results in the Spanish League, as well as relegation to participate in the European League.

And according to what was published by the Catalan newspaper, Sport, today, the Catalan club’s sporting director, Matteo Alemani, aims to sign the left-back of the Valencia team, Spanish international Jose Luis Gaya, whose contract expires in June 2023.

The newspaper stated that Luis Gaia was a target during the last transfer season for the Catalan club, in light of his wonderful defensive and offensive capabilities, but the bat club has always rejected the idea of ​​giving up the left-back, and with his contract approaching the expiration date, the opportunity to join Barca seems more realistic.

Reports indicated that Valencia is planning to make the best possible financial benefit by selling Gaia if he does not extend his contract instead of leaving him for free from the “Mestalla” stadium, and therefore he may consider selling him next summer.

The newspaper, quoting Spanish journalist Ferran Correa, indicated that Luis Gaya has become the chosen player to support the left-back position in Barcelona, ​​​​especially since everything is under the control of Matthew Al Yamani, the sports director.

The newspaper said that Barcelona adopts the idea that Luis Gaya arrives for free or at a low price at the very least during the next season, especially since his contract with bats will expire with the 2022/2023 season.