The new crisis threatens Barcelona because of the Champions League

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Barcelona has become required to reach the semi-finals of the Spanish League, so as not to fall into a real crisis if it fails to reserve a seat in the European Champions League next season.

Barcelona is in seventh place in the La Liga standings after 18 rounds have passed, with a score of 28 points, just two points behind the fourth qualifier for the European Championship next season.

And according to what was published by the Spanish newspaper “Sport”, Barcelona will enter a real crisis in the 2022-2023 season if it fails to secure a place in the Champions League.
And the Spanish newspaper close to Barcelona revealed that the Catalan club will enter into a financial crisis with the American company “Nike”, which sponsors its sportswear, if it does not qualify for the Champions League.

The newspaper pointed out that the value of Nike’s sponsorship would decrease to Barcelona by about 20 million euros if the team did not qualify

She cited that there are clauses in the contracts of clubs and sponsors, whereby the amount paid by “Adidas” to Manchester United will decrease by 30% if it does not qualify for the champions in two consecutive years.

It is noteworthy that Barcelona left the Champions League this season from the group stage and went to the European League, and Bayern Munich and Benfica managed to qualify for the round of 16.