After the Dembele crisis, United continue to annoy Barcelona by targeting the team’s other distinguished player

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Spanish press sources announced the latest developments regarding the future of the Barcelona star and his next destination during the upcoming summer transfers.

And according to what was published by the Spanish newspaper “Marca”, Manchester United are interested in contracting Uruguayan international defender Ronald Araujo, the Spanish star of Barcelona, ​​​​to strengthen the team’s ranks.

Ronald Araujo’s contract with Barcelona is scheduled to expire in the summer of 2023, and the two parties have not reached any agreement yet, but Barcelona is confident in his ability to renew his contract.

The newspaper pointed out that Barcelona made an offer for its defender, the Rock, but the Catalan club did not like the player and was under the ceiling of his expectations, after he presented distinguished levels with the first team in the past seasons, and succeeded in booking a place in the team’s starting lineup.

And the newspaper said, that Manchester United will enter a fiery confrontation with Manchester City, led by Pep Guardiola, and the Red Devils will be facing fierce competition in order to obtain the services of the 22-year-old player.

The newspaper reported, quoting the Spanish newspaper, “Sport”, that Guardiola had dinner with Edmundo Capche, owner of Albacete club and the Uruguayan defender’s agent at the same time, knowing that the player rejected the offer made by the Barca administration.