Mbappe’s father mentioned some words to respond to Barcelona’s offer

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Before Paris Saint-Germain took over the transfer of Kylian Mbappé in 2017, not only the Parisian team and Real Madrid were interested in him. FC Barcelona was also in the ‘bid’ for the Frenchman, but it was an impossible transfer

Kylian Mbappé Is one of the names of the moment. As it happened the year happened in the Camp Nou in front of the FC Barcelona (with a ‘hat-trick’ and recital in front of the Catalan group), the French is being key in the eighth of final of the Champions League for the PSG, this time against the Real Madrid. ‘Donatello’ was decisive in the crash of the gone and has posocionado like the big protagonist of the eliminatory.

In the middle of all this, the French attacker is in full process to decide his future: it can extend his agreement with the Paris Saint-Germain by one or two years and turn into the better player paid of the world (by in front of Messi or Neymar Jr) or fulfil his dream of the infancy to play with a Real Madrid that is expecting of his final decision to concretise the traspaso like free agent.

The true is that in the middle of all the ‘serial’ on the future of Mbappé, have discovered details regarding what could have been the career of the attacker some years backwards, when in 2017 was still in the Monaco and had a sinfín of offers on the table, included the ones of the PSG, Real Madrid and a FC Barcelona that arrived to tantear his traspaso in this opportunity.

‘SPORT’ Has remembered now the reason by which in this moment frustrated the traspaso of Mbappé to the Camp Nou. The father of Kylian, Wilfred Mbappé, commented it in 2017: “I am of the Barça but my son Kylian is of the Madrid. If it goes to the Barça now, never will be able to finish playing in the Madrid. If it goes to another club, always will be able to finish going to the Madrid”.

The ways of the Real Madrid and Kylian Mbappé seem to be allocated to cross . The attacker of the Paris Saint-Germain andstá in his last six months of agreement and, although it will take the final decision on his future when it finalise the season, aims to change of airs, with the White House expecting patiently to do with his services after, minimum, five years dreaming with his signing.

The Madrid will concretise, except surprise, a signing that comes pursuing from 2017, when the French precisely fichó by the PSG. In the past summer, the madridistas offered until 200 million euros by the player, but from Paris (or Catar) denied categorically… Although this year it will go out without leaving a euro in the arks of the club.