Sport .. French pressure to seize the young player from Barcelona and his desire will determine

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Spanish press sources revealed that the French club Monaco is actively seeking during the current period to sign a heavy defensive deal from Barcelona during the next summer Mercato.

And according to what was published by the Catalan newspaper, “Sport”, the officials of the French club Monaco were in Barcelona a few days ago to speak with Barcelona, ​​​​and are ready to pay the transfer fee.

Serginho Dest was about to leave in the January market, but the player preferred to continue fighting for the position and persuasion of Xavi Hernandez for the remainder of the season.

Dest had moved to Barcelona in October 2020 from Ajax Amsterdam, with a marketing deal that cost Barcelona 20 million euros at the time, and is linked to a contract with Barca that ends in 2025.

The newspaper stated, that the technical staff of the Barca team is satisfied with the professionalism of the former Ajax player, but the decision on his future will be taken in the summer.

The Catalan newspaper said, that Dest is a player in a large market, and he was asked by many clubs, led by the Italian Roma, Atletico Madrid and Bayern Munich, in the market last January, and Monaco was in Barcelona this week to present their credentials to FC Barcelona and they are ready to pay the price of the transfer to take over. American services.

And the newspaper pointed out, that Monaco already pressed for the inclusion of Dest last summer and also in the January market, although their offer was then through a loan with an option to buy, and now they are clear that given the competition for the boy, Barcelona are only considering a transfer that will be About 20 million euros they are studying the process.

In any case, it will be the player who will decide his fate, and at the moment he is only interested in continuing at the club, convinced that he will end up winning at the Camp Nou.

The newspaper pointed out that Monaco will separate from French international Sidibe, whose contract expires and it seems that he has decided to continue his career in the English Premier League, so the French team is looking for a defender with a projection and they consider Dest to be the best option in the market.

The 22-year-old American player participated with the Catalans in 63 matches in all competitions, scoring 3 goals and making 4 goals for his teammates.