Mundo Deportivo: Laporta will sacrifice an important element in the team in order to include Halland

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Joan Laporta, president of Barcelona, ​​​​is still continuing to strengthen the ranks of his Catalan team with strong deals, by signing special deals in the next summer transfer season.

In this context, Spanish press sources reported that Juan Laporta, president of Barcelona, ​​is ready to make a sacrifice. In order to sign the Norwegian “Erling Halland”, the striker of Borussia Dortmund, during the next summer Mercato.

According to the Spanish newspaper, Mundo Deportivo, Barcelona President Joan Laporta made the first move to sign Halland from Borussia Dortmund, after he traveled to the French Principality of Monaco to meet with Mano Raiola, the player’s agent.

The newspaper stated, “Laporta held a meeting with Mino Raiola, Haaland’s agent, in order to discuss the deal.”

The newspaper pointed out that “the meeting of Laporta and Raiola was held in Monaco, in the presence of Jordi Cruyff, one of the members of the organizational structure and sports management of the Catalan club.”

Sources close to Laporta said, “The Barcelona president told Raiola that the Catalan club will fight in the deal until the last minute.”

And the newspaper confirmed, that Laporta is ready to get rid of an important player in the team, to contract with Haaland, without opposing the Financial Fair Play Law.

The newspaper noted that Laporta is not interested in Haaland because he is only a goal machine, but he sees it as an essential piece for the success of the new Camp Nou project. It also helps the club improve sponsorship contracts.”

And she stated that “Barcelona realizes that the Haaland deal exceeds 100 million euros, divided into 75 million for Borussia Dortmund. In addition to Raiola’s 20 million commission, and the same for the Norwegian star’s father.