Sport : Busquets plans to share the dressing room with Lionel Messi

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The Barcelona first-team football star has settled on his next destination after leaving the club, during the upcoming summer transfers this season, in order to have a real opportunity to participate in the matches.

And according to what was published by the Spanish newspaper “Sport”, the captain of the Catalan team, Sergio Busquets, is considering leaving the team during the coming period, after the expiration of his contract with Barcelona.
And the newspaper pointed out that Barcelona star Sergio Busquets plans to share the dressing room with Lionel Messi again by leaving Barcelona when his contract expires in June 2023, so it is possible that the player will not renew his contract due to his advanced age.

The development of the MLS does not go unnoticed by many stars in Europe who see the MLS as an opportunity to end their sporting career. This will be the case of Sergio Busquets, captain of FC Barcelona.

Moreover, journalist Xavi Campos always reported that according to the above information, the good relationship between them and their wives and children would make them think about the future together, and Busquets had already started and the first talks took place with Inter Miami.

And the newspaper stated, that this is a project that will not be at the present time, as the Qatar World Cup will be held in December, so the departure to the United States will be from the next season, that is, the 2023-24 season. On the Onzi Show, Sergio is considering retiring in the MLS with his friends Leo Messi and Luis Suarez.