Barcelona fans attack the former Frankfurt player

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The former Eintracht Frankfurt striker, Martin Finn, made a serious accusation against the Catalan club’s fans.

The former Eintracht Frankfurt striker confirmed that he was attacked by Barcelona fans, who attacked him and his wife after their team left the European Football League.

Fannin published a video clip on his official account on the social networking sites “Instagram”, showing that he was severely beaten by a group of fans.

Fannin stressed that the incident occurred after the return match against the Catalan club in the European League.

He said that the matter did not stop there, as he was detained by the police for hours without eating or drinking.

“Unfortunately, in those pictures, my wife and I appeared. After the Camp Nou match, we were beaten, and we were detained for 36 hours by the police without eating or drinking,” Fannin wrote.

The German team Eintracht won a 3-2 victory over its counterpart Barcelona, ​​and knocked it out of the European League quarter-final on a shocking night for the Catalan fans.

The German club’s fans managed to circumvent the rules of the European Union and obtained more than 30,000 tickets to attend the match.

And he will face Eintracht, West Ham, in the semi-finals of the European League.