Insigne’s salary brings him closer to Barcelona, ​​and Napoli ann0unces the club’s positi0n on his departure

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The Italian club Napoli decided its position on the sale of its player, Lorenzo Insigne, in the current summer transfer period.

Insigne has been linked with the possibility of a move away from Napoli, as Barcelona and Tottenham Hotspur want to sign him this summer.

Insigne’s contract with Napoli expires at the end of next season, on June 30, 2022, and the club does not want him to leave; According to the Italian newspaper Corriere dello Sport,

According to the newspaper, Aurelio De Laurentiis, president of Naples, does not want to sell Insigne, and wants to keep it for a longer period.

She pointed out that renewing the contract of the 30-year-old is a priority for Bartnoby’s management, especially after his good performance with Italy in the European Nations Cup.

She explained that Napoli will face one problem in renewing Insigne, which is his salary, in light of the captain’s desire to increase it, as he receives five million euros per season.